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Walt Whitman Letter2 03 16 10

40th Reunion: Saturday, October 9th

at the Melville Marriott, New York

631 - 673 - 4325



Theresa Coschignano-Collins      631 - 754 - 7017
 Laura Carino-Schroff                 212 - 755 - 8250



7 pm - 12 midnight


$120 per person, ($130 per person after Sept 9)


1350 Old Walt Whitman Road, Melville NY 11747


Cocktail Hour with open bar, Buffet Dinner, Music & Dancing

                    Check payable to WWHS 70
                    3 Beverly Court
                    Fort Salonga, New York 11768


Long gone are the days of Mister Tibbs and tie dye-laden war protests, the era of flower-liveried VW buses and bell bottoms. It's been decades since Hendrix played live; since we passed doobies while listening to the Doobie Brothers. High school seems like a different lifetime altogether. For some of us, our kids have already graduated high school. The idea of dress codes and lockers and running in the hall is a faded memory.


But it's time to relive those memories. Your 40th High School Reunion is coming up, and we want you to take a break from your busy life to recall a simpler time. Take a break from your busy career. Girls, put away the Clinique make up and dig out your Twiggy wig & Yardly; guys, go freshen up that Camaro that's been sitting in your garage collecting dust.


This is the first of a series of newsletters that you'll be receiving as we get closer to our reunion; your reunion. You are among the Walt Whitman graduating class of 1970. The lives and career choices of our graduating class have broadly and diversely branched out. But we all share a common bond; we all spent some time together during a crucial part of our lives. Long gone are the days of the British Invasion and Woodstock and long hair; it's been a while since Nixon banned cigarette ads from television and the Pinto made its debut. But we're hoping that you'll relive those days with us.

Your Website...

Work is in progress at WaltWhitmanClassReunion.com  If you go there, you can see the slide show in the upper left corner. But it's just not complete if you don't send us a photo of YOU! So please e-mail your photo to:


If you are taking a new photo and you can set your camera on high resolution, great. The "carousel" for the website's slide show will hold numerous photos. We can rotate the photos periodically so that most or all photos are posted. And it goes without saying that the photos must be appropriate.

Trivia Contest!

Here is how it works:

·  Answer this question: What kind of car did our principal drive?




We want your 40th reunion to have the best turnout ever and we need your help.  Please send us information about the classmates with whom you are in contact.  We want to make sure as many classmates as possible are receiving information about our reunion.  And forward this newsletter to them! Let them know what's going on, tell them we want to hear from them - tell them that we want them there. So send names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses to this email:




Even if you think that we have their names, please send them anyway. 


For the person who sends in the most new names, you will receive $50.00 off your ticket to the reunion and a Walt Whitman Wildcats baseball cap from the school store. Two honorable mentions will win baseball caps.  We will announce the winners in the next Walt Whitman LetterThank you!



7 pm - 12 midnight


$120 per person, ($130 per person after Sept 9)


1350 Old Walt Whitman Road, Melville NY 11747


Cocktail Hour with open bar, Buffet Dinner, Music & Dancing

Check payable to:   WWHS70
3 Beverly Court
Fort Salonga, NY  11768