Walt Whitman Principal named 2010 Principal of the Year
Principal of Walt Whitman, Mr. James Polansky, has been named the 2010
New York State High School Principal of the Year Apr 9, 2010 ... Walt Whitman High School principal James Polansky has been named 2010 New York State high school principal of the year by the School ...
Mr. Polansky has very thoughtfully offered a tour of the high school to the Class of 1970 on Friday afternoon, October 8th.
Later that Friday evening, please join us at Meehan's of
Huntington at 8:00 PM for a Pre-reunion casual get together. If you
are interested in the tour of the school and/or joining us at Meehan's,
please let us know:
Reunion Weekend Activities Friday through Sunday
Tour of Walt Whitman High School Friday afternoon, Oct 8th and
Pre-reunion casual get together 8 PM on Friday, October 8th,
at Meehan's of Huntington 371 New York Avenue, Huntington 11743 (631) 351-0831 ________________
40th Reunion: Saturday, October 9th at the Melville Marriott, New York 631 - 673 - 4325
Sunday Brunch: to be announced
For more details and PayPal, please go to: www.WaltWhitmanClassReunion.com
The CLASSES of 1969 and 1971 are WELCOME to JOIN US at any and all of our weekend activities
Theresa Coschignano-Collins 631 - 754 - 7017 Laura Carino-Schroff 212 - 755 - 8250
Missing Classmates
We have been aggressively
searching for everyone in the graduating Class of 1970 on Facebook.com,
Classmates.com, waltwhitmanhighschool.com, WhitePages.com,
Intelius.com, Google, and with countless telephone calls. Please see our Contest at the bottom of this page: the following classmates cannot be found, and we need your help please! Win $50 off your Reunion ticket. Adeline | Papale | Andrea | Papson | Ann | Williams | Arlene | Marcoe | Barbara | Alexy | Barbara | Bennett | Barbara | Cullen | Barbara | Custen | Barbara | McCormack | Barbara | Passaro | Barbara | Pell | Barbnara | Kaczmarski | Beth | Marcus | Brian | Godowitz | Bridgitte | Hacker | Bruce | Casso | Carol | Banchard | Carol | May | Carol | Lehmann | Carol | Lenske | Carol | Salamino | Carolann | Szumelak | Carrie | Schlackman | Catherine | Graham | Catherine | Whalen | Cheryl | Herschler | Christine | Anthony | Christine | Carlson | Christine | Golino | Christine | Larken | Christine | Rawski | Christine | Smith | Claudia | Robinson | Claudia | Singrossi | Constance | Sauter | Corinne | Nalli | Craig | Minetta | Cynthia | Taylor | Dea | Cox | Deborah | Green | Deborah | Krenkel | Deborah | Reeves | Deidre | Alston | Denise | Fattorusso | Denise | Kraemer | Denise | Woodward | Dennis | Murray | Dennis | Higgins | Diana | Morrison | Diana | Yuchowitz | Diane | Basil | Diane | Disomma | Diane | Campay | Diane | Michaels | Diane | Miller | Diane | Henrich | Diane | O'Connell | Donna | Breen | Donna | Ross | Doreen | Goldbach | Earl | Brown | Edward | Avery | Eileen | Schumacher | Eleanor | Salomon | Elizabeth | Guertler | Elizabeth | Hart | Elizabeth | Schwabe | Elizabeth | Stevens | Erika | Borstlemann | Evelyn | Haynes | Francine | Pamis | Franco | Mazzitelli | Frank | Bitoni | Frank | Risucci | Franke | Rempe | Franz | Pielmeier | Gail | Schwartz | Gail | Tilford | Garry | Wolfe | Gary | Willins | Georgia | Stein | Gerard | Plank | Gloria | Reeves | Gregory | John Lineberry | Harold | Griesenbrauck | Helene | LeRoy | Helene | Rebhun | Hillary | Jeskin | Howard | Baist | Jack | Lotito | Jacqueline | Williams | James | Lyons | James | Murphy | James | Johnson | James | Roy | James | Sticco | Jane | Angevine | Janet | Cioffi | Janet | Wandursky | Janice | Monti-Blackstein | Janice | Olszewski | Jean | Endresen | Jeffrey | Leeds | Joan | Kievews | Joanne | Glantz | JoAnne | Tiene | John | Allen | John | Costa | John | Masaskill | John | Tagast | Joseph | Natale | Judith | Fredriksen | Judy | Fang | Karen | Dzikowski | Karen | Glaser | Karen | Maranchuck | Karen | Lahti | Karen | Lehmann | Katherine | Watherwax | Kathleen | Durigan | Kenneth | Blair | Kenneth | Walker | Laura | Kainik | Lawrence | Morvan | Linda | Cassella | Linda | Cavallo | Linda | Fritz | Linda | Prianti | Linda | Smith | Linda | Barmen | Linda | Cutolo | Linda | Kenney | Lisa | Duarte | Lois | Hubert | Lois | Sonnenberg | Lorna | Bologna | Louise | Siracusano | Lynn | Schoonejans | Lynn | Windingland | M. Lee | Skidmore | Madeline | Holdos | Madeline | Lazlo | Margaret | Spiegel | Maria | Denimark | Marion | Michaud | Mark | Farris | Mark | Kapler | Mark | Russell | Marquerite | Blasingame | Marsha | Marcucci | Martha | Torres | Mary | Crociata | Mary | Joyce | Mary | Petterson | Mary | Young | Mary | Viglietta | Mary Ann | Kinghorn | Mary Ellen | Smith | Maryann | Mastandrea | Matthew | Corrigan | Mattye | Gardner | Maureen | Carey | Maureen | Pryce | Melody | Argentine | Michael | Carmen | Michelle | Leslie | Mike | Seinkwicz | Nancy | Banta | Nancy | Galinkin | Nancy | Henbest | Nancy | Chojnowski | Nark | Mohrann | Norinne | Baylis | Pam | Shaw | Patricia | Hegerty | Patricia | Reese | Patricia | Sievers | Patrick | Dunne | Paul | Dickman | Paul | Newhoff | Paul | Rottman | Pholomena | Mirandi | Phyllis | Halls | Richard | Feller | Richard | McGregro | Richard | Platts | Robert | Emanuele | Robert | Gleusner | Robert | Johnston | Robert | Lazaroff | Robert | Waszkiewicz | Robert | Weisz | Robert | Hollas | Roberta | Kenyon | Robin | Blackley | Robin | Reese-Dituri | Robin | Kravitz | Robin | Leonardo | Robin | Klemfuss | Rose Marie | Rosolla | Rosemary | Campisi-Kelly | Sandra | Skauvold | Sandra | Sondersted | Saralyn | Dennison | Scott | Jones | Sharon | Gallagher | Sheva | Kleiman | Stephen | Bradley | Stephen | Hopper | Stephen | Tate | Steven | Strang | Susan | Colagrande | Susan | Freidank | Susan | Morrow | Susan | Kaplan | Susan | Rutzel | Susan | Schultz | Susan | Schwarzchild | Suzanne | Genthner | Teri | Willer | Thomas | Manson | Thomas | Huges | Thomas | Jay | Thomas | White | Tina | Russo | Valerie | Kesselman | Vickie | Palmarozzo | Victoria | Bruno | Virginia | Edwards | Wendy | Garnier | William | Driscoll | William | Edwards | William | McKinney | William | Robinson | Yvonne | Letellier |
If you are taking a new photo and you can set your camera on high resolution, great. On the Home page, you can see the slide show in the upper left corner. We are rotating the photos periodically so that most or all photos will be posted here as well.
We want
your 40th reunion to have the best turnout ever and we need your
help. Please send us information about the classmates with
whom you are in contact. We want to make sure as many classmates
as possible are receiving information about our
reunion. And
forward this newsletter to them! Let them know what's going on,
tell them we want to hear from them - tell them that we want them
there. So send names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses to
this email: WaltWhitmanClassReunion@Gmail.com
the person who sends in the most new, current
classmate contact information, you will receive $50.00 off of
your ticket to the reunion and a Walt Whitman Wildcats baseball cap
from the school store. Two honorable mentions will win baseball caps. Thank you! |